Strength training helps move the body easier and use the body muscles more diversely. Fitness Decathlon’s strength movements are based on moving your own body weight.

The Fitness Decathlon exercises are: hanging and pull-ups and wall bar abs.


In the hanging and pull-ups, you choose the most suitable one for your level from four strength-building sets.

  1. Hanging with straight arms, maximum time (up to 100 sec).
  2. Hanging with arms hooked, maximum time (until 80 sec).
  3. Pull-up, maximum repetitions (up to 25 repetitions).
  4. Muscle-up, maximum repetitions.

The result is the hanging time in seconds and the number of repetitions in pull-ups and muscle-ups.


In the wall bar abs exercise, you straighten the body, keep your back against the base holding a bar with your hands. During the movement, you bring your feet over the head by bending the knees and touching the bar you’re holding with the toes (also the bar above this one is accepted).

The movement has five levels that gradually become more difficult, you need to choose the most suitable one based on your performance level.

Level 1.

Horizontally on a mattress placed on the floor.

Level 2.

On 300-centimeter-long gym benches attached to the bar at a height of 80 cm or, alternatively, on a plane set at a 10-degree angle.

Level 3.

On 300-centimeter-long gym benches attached to the bar at a height of 140 cm or, alternatively, on a plane set at a 30-degree angle.

Level 4.

On 300-centimeter-long gym benches attached to the bar at a height of 190 cm or, alternatively, on a plane set at a 40-degree angle.

Level 5.

Carried out hanging from the top bar.


The result is the highest level used and the number of repetitions at that level.


  • Grip strength and arm muscles

  • Chest muscles and shoulders

  • Big back muscles

  • Abdominal muscles

  • Hip flexors

  • Back mobility